Preserved Flowers

Preserved Flowers


Elevate your wedding invitations with our charming bouquets of preserved flowers.

Sourced in Europe, these petite arrangements will add a touch of European elegance to your suite.

Not only will they make a lasting impression on your guests, but they will also last for years to come, making them the perfect keepsake.

What are preserved flowers? These are 100% natural flowers that have undergone a preservation process to maintain their beauty, shape, and freshness without the need for water or sunlight.

They are rehydrated with a vegetable-based glycerin solution and contain no toxic ingredients.

To care for your bouquet, simply avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and remove dust occasionally with an air spray or soft cloth.

Remember, no water is needed!

Add these bouquets to your Stationery Suite for an original, and beautiful way to present your invitations.

  • This listing is exclusively available as an add-on to an existing or new Full Stationery Suite order.

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