Luxury Thank You Cards - Velvet

Luxury Thank You Cards - Velvet

from €440.00

Velvet cards

When you deliver a message to your guests/clients, you want the presentation of the message to match its intent. These customizable cards are the perfect way to bring your branding or special event to the next level.

These can be used as Thank You cards, or we can customize then as you like.

The Front face is Velvet printed with metallic foil, while the reverse is card stock.

Its the perfect way to present your message!


  • Metallic Foil hot-pressed into 450gsm/160lb cardstock

  • Single-sided printing

  • Free shipping

4.1 x 5.8 inch
105mm X 148mm

Featured color in the photos: Old Rose

On average, our artisanal printing process takes 30 BUSINESS DAYS (APPROX. 6 WEEKS).

*Price depends on quantity, Envelopes are not included but can be added to the order.

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If you have any questions about our process or policies, please don't be shy!
Get in touch with us and we'll be happy to guide you through the entire process. We’re with you every step of the way.

We design everything in-house, so we’re happy to customize items according to your requirements.
If you have a particular idea or vision, let us know and we’ll do our very best to bring it to life.
Additional charges may apply depending on the level of customization required, for example for Venue Sketches, Illustrations, or custom design work.
Please contact us to discuss.

By purchasing you agree to our Shop Policies, detailed here.
Please contact us if you are unsure about any details before purchasing.

Shipping depends on the total weight of your order and delivery destination.


  • Customers outside of Europe are exempt from tax - Art. 21.1 Ley 37/1992

  • European Customers are charged VAT at 21%.

  • For business-to-business purchases, please contact us directly.

Any non-euro currencies shown are only approximate and may change due to the currency conversion rate specified by your chosen payment method or provider.

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